Pure-Scape Hi, and welcome to the new Pure-Scape forums, i thoguh that the old forums needed to be updated, but i felt it was lacking something, so, i decided to use a different name, and a different skin, I Hope you enjoy.
This is where all the latest and fourthcoming updates will be posted, stay active on these forums to find out the latest breaking news from Pure-Scape.
We will have active polls, which will each last a week, they will play a big part in deciding what happens, where it happens, who it happens to and what needs to happen.
Feel free to browse, upload pics, and feel free to register and become an active of Pure-Scape and help grow our community bigger, and better.
We do take notice of what our players think, we aren't going to toss you aside and forget about what you said, what you say, counts. If we like, say it's an idea for an update, we'll look into it, etc.
The Pure-Scape Client has been released, We have the download link on the Forums under "Clients". I hope you enjoy, and Stu will be looking into to see what can be done to make our Client even better.
~ Pure-Scape Staff