i know...but i got like 5 ags and i think the sara sword is cooler..lolz...ide trade full bandos and 2 ags for a sara sword @ lplus other rares...a few santas p hat sets etc.. Added (2008-12-26, 4:42 Am)
as of now my prize is... 3 bandos chest pl8s, 2 ags, 5 p hat sets, 5 santas, and 5 h ween sets, and 5 of each borrows items !( and maybe a few 100mills)
plz answer ! im desperate..lolz
Added (2008-12-26, 5:46 Pm)
oops.....i did this under the wrong topic, this is meant for purescape not runescape...
and i think i ahev an updated trade, and this is posetd under (i think) purescape general disscussien "sara sword ftw"